Who We Are

Catalyst [kat-l-ist] noun 2. A person or thing that precipitates an event or change.

Founded in 2020 as a commercial cleaning company, Catalyst Residential began with a clear mission to significantly enhance the living environments of every community we serve. By identifying the need for greater reliability and consistent cleanliness in residential services, we expanded beyond traditional boundaries while staying true to our core principles.

Committed to Excellence

Our dedication to excellence powers a broad spectrum of services, anchored in our popular door-to-door waste collection yet extending much further. We provide all-encompassing solutions designed not only to maintain cleanliness but to foster vibrant, thriving communities. From removing large items to meticulously maintaining common areas and offering specialized recycling services, we meet the diverse needs of modern residences.

Catalyst Residential goes beyond simply fulfilling basic expectations of trash collection. We provide reliable, comprehensive management of property cleanliness and waste needs, ensuring every aspect of our service contributes positively to the aesthetic and functional appeal of the communities we serve.

Our relentless pursuit of service reliability and our commitment to enhancing property appeal set us apart. With Catalyst Residential, communities don’t just receive a service—they undergo a transformation, experiencing firsthand the power of a true catalyst in action.